A Bit About Us...
Lesley (Tenor) - Lesley, at age 22 is already a veteran barbershop tenor, singing with (aren't
you jealous?) North Metro Chorus, under the direction of June Dale. One of her shining moments was filling in for C-cruise
tenor on the Region 16 competition stage! She's ours ladies (ha ha ha)!
Meaghan (Lead) - 21 year old Meaghan has been perfoming for years with various vocal and musical
theatre groups. She was dragged out to a Young Women In Harmony day by her duet partner and quartet baritone
Tiffany, and has been stuck ever since. She recently completed her first year of the Musical Theatre
programme at Sheridan College.
Laura (Bass) - Another long-time Sweet Ad, Laura has been doubling as a bass in this quartet and a baritone
in her chorus. She fills her time with many hobbies and projects including archery, violin, sewing and...oh yeah...school!
She is going into her 3rd year at Ryerson University studying Technical Production. With all this, she's still managed to
pick up an extra sparkling piece of jewlrey for her left hand. Congratulations Laura!!!
Tiffany (Baritone) - For years Tiffany has had a love for singing harmony and randomly breaking out
into song. Sweet Adeline in the making??? She is the youngest member of the group at age 18 and currently
attends the University of Windsor, where she is enrolled in the Drama in Education and Community programme, better known
as DRED.